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MY 2 CENTS: Roe v. Wade draft shows importance of voting

Pro-life or pro-choice, the possible Supreme Court ruling teaches all of us one important lesson: your voice matters. Vote!
Credit: WFMY

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Pro-life or pro-choice: no matter where you stand on the issue the leaked copy of the possible Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade drives home one important point for all of us: elections matter. They’ve got consequences, and you want someone who shares your beliefs in office to make the choices that impact your life.

Sure this ruling was done by Supreme Court justices who aren’t elected, but those folks were appointed by Presidents and confirmed by senators – the two big elections where the most people actually vote. Even though those are the biggies, in North Carolina’s 2020 general election – one out of every four eligible voters stayed home – let someone make the decision about who’s in power. Who will ultimate control their life.

Things get even worse when you look at local and statewide elections. Turnout for Municipal elections in North Carolina in 2021 was just 9 percent. That’s it. It’s so low I had to have someone else go over the numbers too to make sure we were reading it right.

Here’s why we’ve got to do better: If the Supreme Court ends up overturning Roe v Wade, it’s going to be up to state lawmakers to decide if abortions are legal. So it’s not enough to just vote for President and Senator. We all have got to vote in every single election from the School Board to the White House. It matters.  Your voice matters.

And right now you’ve got the just chance to take action. Early voting is underway for the May 17th primary. We’ve got a list of polling locations on WFMYNews2.com.

Remember out of all the rights we have in America, voting is the most important because it can control all the other rights we do and do not get.

I’m Ben Briscoe. That’s My 2 Cents.

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