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Dealing with restless passengers during a road trip

Road trips can be daunting when you are traveling with young children. Blanca Cobb has some tips on how to avoid a bump trip.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Memorial Day weekend is upon us, and with it comes the great American tradition – the road trip! But let's be honest, hours stuck in traffic with restless passengers can turn that dream vacation into a nightmare.

Here are ideas on how to make a long car ride smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. It all starts with preparation. Plan your route beforehand, check for traffic updates, and consider avoiding peak travel times. Pack a survival kit for the car with snacks, drinks, games, and entertainment for the little ones.

Here are ideas to keep kids from going stir-crazy. Pack age-appropriate games, books, and activities. Tablet breaks can be lifesavers but limit screen time and encourage interaction. Singalongs, storytelling, and playing "I Spy" or find items that begin with the letters of the alphabet. For example, T for tree.

Remember, the journey is part of the adventure! Take breaks, explore roadside attractions, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Be patient with fellow drivers and your travel companions. With a little planning and the right attitude, your Memorial Day road trip will be one for the memory books.

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