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What to do when you feel like you can't catch a break

Blanca Cobb has some tips on how to deal with the curveballs life is throwing at you and how to push through.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Feeling like you're constantly one step behind? Planned to conquer your to-do list, but life keeps throwing curveballs? We've all been there.

When you can't catch a break, the key to dealing with overwhelm is not to let those unexpected situations take you completely off course. Look at it as a bump in the road, not a roadblock.

Here's how to not let the obstacles become a roadblock. Acknowledge the frustration that you can't get done what you want to get done. It's okay to feel discouraged, angry, and helpless. The key is not to let the negative emotions consume you to the point that you do anything. Reframe the situation. Maybe it's a test to see how badly you really want it. If you reframe it as a challenge, then you depersonalize it. It isn't that it isn't meant to be. It's about what are you going to do about it to achieve what you want.

When it comes to the unfinished project you have looming over your head, remember that it's about progress, not perfection. Celebrate the small wins along the way, even if it's getting one thing done. Remember, small steps keep you moving closer to the finish line. Extend the deadline to give yourself breathing more. Prioritize ruthlessly. Write down everything that needs to be done and ditch steps that aren't necessary for success.

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