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Before You Leave Your Kids Home Alone This Summer...

WFMY News 2's Blanca Cobb says you need to consider age and maturity first before making any decision.

It's that time of year that kids really look forward to...summer time. No waking up early and no homework. But, it's not all fun and games for the parents, who have to work. Many of you parents might be trying to decide if you should let your kids stay home by themselves, without a babysitter. 

Before you decide to leave your kids at home without babysitter, you should consider their age and maturity level. Just because your 12 year-old is a rising 6th grader doesn't mean that they're ready for the responsibility to be left home alone.Do they follow your instructions, make smart choices, remain level headed in scary situations like a thunderstorm? Is the answers are yes and you feel like you want to try out leaving them home alone then try it a short bursts of time. For example, leave for 30 to 45 minutes and come home a little sooner to see what they're doing. Is everything okay? Or, is the front door unlocked and the oven on while they're in other room? Short tests equals long term success when it comes to leaving your kids home alone

If there are younger siblings, ask yourself if they get along? Is there mutual respect? Does the younger sibling listen to the older sibling? The reason this is important because in safety situations, the younger sibling has to listen to the older. And the older has to take care of the younger. It's not a fend for yourself situation when parents aren't home.

Before you leave your kids alone, they should what to do in emergency situations. What should they do if there's a house fire or they lock themselves out of the house? What do they say if they have to call 911 and under what situations should they call 911? Do they know first-aid? What about which neighbors to reach out to just in case? Are they allowed to cook by using the stove, oven and/or microwave? These are just a few examples. 

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb-Body Language Expert. While you're on my page, give it a "like" and write a message on my timeline. I'll get back to you. 

Before You Leave, Check This Out