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How Do You Cure The Hiccups?

Viewers of WFMY's sister station WLTV sent in suggestions of home-made hiccup cures.

Viewers of WFMY's sister station WLTV sent in suggestions of home-made hiccup cures.Jacksonville, FL -- The story of a girl from Florida who just can't get rid of the hiccups has led to hundreds of suggestions from First Coast News viewers.Always consult a doctor before trying any new treatment. But here's what people around the country are telling Jennifer Mee to try. Mee, of St. Petersburg, has not been able to put the brakes on her hiccups for the past three weeks.-------------------------Saw this once on the tv show "Emergency" and it has worked on everyone I`ve told ever since.....Hold your breathe and swallow FIVE times. The episode was about a Doc that tried everything to stop hiccupping.Ray-------------------------Greetings. This is a sure cure for hiccups that has never failed. 1. Stand up. 2. While keeping legs straight and bend over or bow so that your head is below your stomach. 3. Swallow some water in this position. 4. Stand up and "Wah Lah" your hiccups are gone. I have used this method for years to help students all around the world recover immediately from hiccups. In fact, one of my students recovered from hiccups this week using this method. Kindest regards, Richard, Orange Park.-------------------------[T]ry taking a table spoon of vinegar or a shot of bitters from the nearest bar. Please consult a doctor before taking this.Geo-------------------------I was hoping you could pass this on to Jennifer and her mother...I have had spells of hiccups off and on in my life, some ranging from a day to three or four days and one going on a week and have during that course have tried various "remedies"... The second to last time I had hiccups it was three days before I got sick and tired enough to actively search for another method - finally I looked on the internet and found a site which described this way (in slightly different phrasing but I feel the below wording is a little more clear).I would characterize it in five steps:1. First try to relax for a moment (I know this is next to impossible but still try...)2. Breathe deeply and slowly until your lungs are filled3. Hold it4. Now, here's the somewhat tricky at first but very essential step - after 10 seconds or so of holding your breath, breathe inwards again through your nose (without exhaling what you already have in your lungs) - You will find that even though your lungs are full you can still fit a little bit of air in you.... Breathe in these short bursts of air as fast as you can without releasing any of the air in you and you will develop a kind of staccato rhythm of breathing inward... You will feel your lungs, chest wall and abdomen expanding... Do this until you absolutely can no longer hold your breath any longer.5. Release breath, letting the body push it out naturally (rather than actively forcing breath out)At this point the hiccups should (hopefully) be gone. If for reasons of Jennifer's acuteness (inflamed diagraphm from all the hiccups perhaps) I would try several times - but if you do it right from the beginning one time should be enough. It is a weird feeling though to pull in more air after you have already "filled" the lungs so it may require a couple of times to get the hang of it.I hope this works for you as it has worked for me twice. The first again, was after three days and they stopped upon doing the above. When they returned several months later I immediately tried this method and it worked again. I have not have had hiccups since.Please contact me if any of the above is not clear or you should want to talk over the phone for more details.Sincerely, Grant-------------------------I am an avid believer in chiropractic care. I have suffered from migraines for 30 years and the only thing that helps is regular chiropractic care. I have tried traditional medicines, but nothing has helped. In Jennifer's case, hiccupping can be relieved with chiropractic care. After 3 weeks, her chest is probably retracting and her diaphragm has been contracting for these 3 weeks. Imagine flexing your bicep continually for 3 weeks. This muscle is overworked, so too is her diaphragm. She needs to see a chiropractor that has experience with working the diaphragm. I hope she seeks chiropractic care. Sincerely, Joanne-------------------------I don't know why this works for me, but it does. Eleven of the last 12 times that I had the hiccups, I went to the restroom . . . positioned myself correctly . . . and gagged myself. Somehow, the gag reflex (the first stage of my body preparing to vomit) stops the hiccups. I have never continued to the point of vomiting (but positioned just in case) since I did not have to. Since we don't know if the cause of my hiccups, is the same for Jennifer- my cure may not work, but it's a cheap cure (if it works). My heart goes out to this young girl . . . I have a 15 year old and I know how this must be tearing them up. My prayers are with them. Scott, Nashville.-------------------------She needs to have someone massage her forehead directly above her nose just up above her eyebrows. It may take a while, several minutes don't give up! Paul-------------------------My remedy has always worked, very simple. But I am sure she has tried it. Here goes... all you have to do is swallow nine sips of water. Just make sure you swallow nine times in a straight row, trying not to breathe that much at all. Just swallow nine times real fast. I have never tried anything but water. I am 35 and this has always worked for me since I was taught this by my father. Melinda----------------------I remember watching an episode of Outrageous ER Stories on TLC that showed a woman who had hicups for over a week. They too tried everything, but the one thing that did work was putting pressure with your thumb on the forehead between the eyes. Its worth a shot..... Andrea.....----------------------Hello I dont have a remedie but I have a quistion. Has the young lady been drinking or eating someting new that she didn't drink your eat before? Before the hiccups started. The reason I'm asking this is when my X-husband and I went on vaction he woould take his own water with him.Because he didn't like other water he would say I don't no what they put in that water. This perticuler year he ran out of his water while we where on vaction and had to drink the water there. He ended up with a very bad case of hicups.So we had to cut are vaction short. The funny thing about it with in hours after we came home and he stared drinking the water he was use to drinking his hicups quit. Never hurts to ask her. Thank You letting me write too you.Edna----------------------I've found "A Need to Burp" causes my hiccups ....could "Trapped Air" be causing her hiccups??? Linda----------------------This always helps me… Stand face forward against a wall. Stretch up towards the ceiling, on your tippie toes and with your arms above your head reaching towards the ceiling. Looking up, hold your breath, exhale and repeat a few times. This stretches out your diaphragm and hopefully will make the hiccups stop. Let me know if it works! Good Luck!!!! Jamie----------------------Hi, Don't know if this will work for Jennifer, but...Try Tums. The calcium in them helps to calm the spasm in the esophagus or something like that... sometimes you have to take more than one or two, but it does work! Let dissolve slowly. Connie in Granger, IN ----------------------Drink water through a paper towel. Put the paper towel over you glass of water and drink. It works for me everytime! Kati--------------------I heard about this young Jennifer Mee. My father, many years ago, suffered from the same problem. He almost could not breath anymore between 2 hiccups. Doctors did not know what to do. My aunt told my father to take 1 aspirin every 20 minutes. After about 3 hours the hiccups stopped and did not came back.Maybe it could work for Jennifer too if she is not allergic to aspirin. Hope she will recover soon.Brigitte Harle-Trautman --------------------Well, Jennifer, I'm sorry for your exhausting hiccups. My husband has a silly remedy which has worked for all who's tried but one person that I know of. Good Luck! Take a 6-8 ounce glass ( your cup must be made from glass) and fill it half way with water. Take a teaspoon or tablespoon ( no plastic- metal regular silverware) and put it into the glass. Next, put your lips on the glass as you would normally drink, leaving the spoons handle touching up against your cheek. Then drink ALL the water in one breath. I don't know exactly why it works but my husband and I are in the restaurant business and I'd say we've tried this with different people a good 75 times throughout the years. I sincerely hope that it works for you as well. Sincerely, Raquel -----------------------------------------------------------I had the hiccups, and although I don't smoke, I took a puff on a Newport cigarette and my hiccups stopped. So, try taking a big puff off a cigarette. Lars Wilmington , Delaware -----------------------------------------------------------If it's not been recommended yet -- a Chinese doctor had cured a man who'd had the hiccups for many YEARS! by pressing under his ears -- this was back in the 80's that I heard about it - and had surprised my father by using the technique on him -- then he used it on a complete stranger which worked much to both their surprise. I asked an MD why that would work and he said that the veins that send blood to the diaphram do run along the sides of one's neck. The way I apply it - is to press - gently under the ears on the neck of the person - and add a piercing glare eyeball to eyeball with the patient -- you have the element of distraction as well as medical intervention! Wish her well Regards, Jennifer------------------------------------------------------------Hi- I have a 100% effective cure that has never failed on me, family or friends. While standing, stretch you arms out to 90 degrees (like a "T") and take a deep breath. Then have a friends attempt to bring wrist together behind you (not forcefully). You can release your breath as many times as you want but keep the pressure on. Take DEEP breaths and hold them; focus on pushing/projecting your chest out. After about 15-20 seconds, you'll be hiccup free. Please let me know if it works! Jason-------------------------------1tsp of sugar chased by a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar Joseph, Kings Bay, GA-------------------------------soak biters on a 1/4 lemon wedge. put it in you mouth like a mouth guard and suck the juices them swallow. it has worked every time ive used it and given it to others good luck, greg -------------------------------This may sound outlandish, but here goes. Close your eyes, and visualize your lungs. When you have it, visualize your hands caressing them to sooth them, works within 15 seconds for me. Simple, and fast. Don-------------------------------Hey this REALLY works at least on regular hiccups and it stops them instantly. We used to play a wise-ass punk kind of thing to each other called, "Look over the log". You may have heard of it. You come up behind some and grab a pinch of hair, on the "victim's" nape of the neck, between you thumb and index finger and quickly jerk straight up and exclaim, "Look over the log!" as the "victim's" head snaps forward (you do it sharply but you don't be a jerk and rip someone's hair out or strain someone's neck!). It's sort of like giving someone a "head wedgy"....same kind of punk thing. Anyway my then teenage son was trying everything to get rid of the hiccups and couldn't do it. I have no idea why I did it but I came up behind him and executed the "Look over the log" stunt and lo and behold the surprise, the brief sharp pain and his sudden scream stopped the hiccups in it's tracks. No joke! Of course after that when he got the hiccups he decided just to "ride it out" rather than take the cure. Caution when executing this remedy, beware of the "victim" who posses a good right hook! Greg, Los Angeles-------------------------------This has always worked for me and for my friends. Small amount of salt in left hand, then with your finger put small amount of salt on your tongue four time and as you do it say, In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Throw the remaining salt over left shoulder. I do hope she gets rid of it, must be very painful for her. Eileen-------------------------------Swallow a spoon full of sugar to stop the hiccups. Joseph-------------------------------Suggesstions for curing hiccups. 1. drink water while someone holds you're ears closed. 2. take Tagamet. (Cimetidine) 3. Mother's milk. Ideally early mother's milk with Colostrum, 4. Tranquilizers. especially Lorazapam. and 5. Termination of intractable hiccups with digital rectal massage.Odeh M, Bassan H, Oliven A . Department of Inernal Medicine, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel. A 60-year-old man with acute pancreatitis developed persistent hiccups after insertion of a nasogastric tube. Removal of the latter did not terminate the hiccups which had also been treated with different drugs, and several manoeuvres were attempted, but with no success. Digital rectal massage was then performed resulting in abrupt cessation of the hiccups. Recurrence of the hiccups occurred several hours later, and again, they were terminated immediately with digital rectal massage. No other recurrences were observed. This is the second reported case associating cessation of intractable hiccups with digital rectal massage. We suggest that this manoeuvre should be considered in cases of intractable hiccups before proceeding with pharmacological agents.Robert -------------------------------grandfather had them like that .........with index finger and thumb rub ears lobe for minute or so with some pressure it with take your mind off hiccups .....that is the only thing that would work for him...I've tryed it and it works...........Daryl-------------------------------A nurse did this for me when I had a case of hiccups. Close your eyes. Get a friend to apply their thumbs (just to the point of mild discomfort) to the closed upper part of the eyelids. Apply the pressure for 30 seconds. The patient should not speak. Keep mouth closed, and concentrate on breathing in a normal pattern. It can't hurt to try. Good Luck! Brenda-------------------------------Get a family member or friend, whom Jennifer speaks to frequently, to ask her what that person said to her last nite, last week etc. The purpose is to get Jennifer thinking really hard about something that she cant remember or needs to spend some time thinking about it. It worked with my son (but then again he wasnt hiccuping as much as Jennifer)! Good Luck-------------------------------I was told this remedy when I was 7 years old --- 33 years ago, and it has never failed. Everyone I tell this to is in shock when it works.. It's very simple. Get a carbonated drink (coke, sprite, pepsi.. you get the jest) That little dimple by the canal of your ear... push it in to plug up your ear Guzzle the carbonated drink as long as you can. Don't stop and breath, just go as long as you can. When you can go no more. Slowly release the pressure from your ear and hiccups should be gone. If it doesn't work, this will be the first time it hasn't. Yvonne From Illinois--------------------------------Take a glass of water at room temperature. Drink a regular gulp into your mouth and do not swallow yet. You need to pull out your tongue and hold your tongue out with your index finger and thumb and then swallow the water. If you move your tongue even a little when swallowing it may not work. The tongue needs to be held straight and steady. Try it a few times. This has worked numerous times on many of my friends and co-workers. It has something to do with the reflex. Chris----------------------------------the only thing that works for my son is Peanut Butter. Take a spoonful of peanut butter and eat it... as you slowly suck on the peanut butter to swallow it, the hiccups go away Kimberly------------------------------------This one has never failed for me and my friends - - Sitting down, plug your nose and drink/swallow any liquid VERY slow. Hope this helps Jennifer. Cheers, Jordan, Portland, OR-------------------------------This has always worked for members of my family: Fill a large glass with very warm (almost hot) water. Add sugar (my mother told me this was just for taste but I always found it very soothing) Drink the water while it is still warm. Try to finish the glass without stopping to catch your breath. Gulping the water rather than taking sips is the secret to this trick. Good Luck Jennifer! Leah--------------------------------------This has never failed for anyone who has tried it. I hope it works! Pour 8 oz of water in a tall glass, cover with a paper towel. Drink the whole glass through the paper towel without pausing, don't stop until you're finished. I've never seen it fail. Good luck.Nina M --------------------------------------Hi, Jennifer this is what helps me. Take one tablespoon of creamy peanut butter, and swallow it. I sure hope it helps!!!!!! LaNea from North Carolina--------------------------------------Not sure if this has been suggested but it works for me. Drink water through a straw while plugging your ears. Try to drink as much as you can. Sometimes I have to do it twice to work. Hope it worksDebbie--------------------------------------There was a show on TLC Untold Stories of the ER that showed a woman with non-stop hiccups. They stopped the hiccups by placing their pointer finger and middle finger right above the eyebrows and applying pressure. Maybe this will help.MaryAnne--------------------------------------I have had some bad hiccuping episodes in my life and ive found that the best cure is to hold your breath for 10 seconds, even if you have to force it, then drink something while you are still holding your breath and then hold your breath for another 10 seconds after. I dont know how I ever thought to do such a thing, but it always works, most of the time on the first try and it also works for my family members and friends. foreward this email to the girl, I think it is worth a try. If not, the world record for hiccuping is 65 years... -Michael--------------------------------------Drink a glass of water thru a paper towel as a filter at the top of the glass ...has always worked for me and my kids ..try it cant hurt.Marvin, New Jersey ----------------------------------------A remedy that always works for my youngest daughter, who gets frequent hiccups, is, with someone's assistance, plug both ears and nose and drink as much liquid as possible without taking a breath in. My thoughts are with Jennifer and her family and hope she is cured soon. Alicia-------------------------------I heard of a teenager that has had the hiccups for 3 weeks and my heart goes out to her. My father-in-law who had cancer was on a medication that also made him hiccup constantly. The Doctors tried everything to control his as well, and nothing ever worked. When I have to much beer, I also start to hiccup uncontrollably, a bartender from a local bar I use to go to, had me try a home remedy called "bitters and lime." The bitters can be bought at a liquor store (about $9.00 a bottle), cut the lime in half wedges, soak the lime with the bitters, and suck on it. I will say it is not very tasty, but it does work. It did for me as well as my father-in-law. She made need to do a couple of lime wedges. Please pass this information on to Jennifer Wee and I hope it will help her. Also, if I could find out if this worked for her, I would be extremely grateful. Thank You for your time. Christi-------------------------------press into the lower portion of the throat (just above the sternum exactly where you would cut a tracheotomy). By pressing in and down against the sternum, (don't be shy to use pressure) it cuts off the impulse for the hiccup. I have used this successfully for years and have eliminated hiccups from my life. Good Luck Tom-------------------------------Eat a wedge of lemon. Chew it up seeds and all, then swallow. It has worked for everyone that has tried it, that I know of. Steve, Virginia Beach, VA.-------------------------------The remedy is simple. Just drink any carbonated beverage. Coke, sprite, 7up, it doesn't matter. Thanks. Andrea-------------------------------SOME YEARS AGO THE PRODUCER OF THE MOVIE HOT SHOTS,HIS SON HAD SEIZURES,ABOUT 10 TO 20 A DAY HE SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON SURGERY,S AND DOCTORS STILL NO CURE ,THEN LATER WENT TO AN OVERSEAS SOMEONE AN THEY TOLD HIM TO( EAT WHITE FAT MEAT) WHICH HE DID AND THE SEIZURES REDUCE TO ONE OR TWO A WEEK,THIS STORY WAS COVER BY 60 MINUTES OR DATELINE ,THEY INTERVIEW THE DOCTORS WHO MADE MILLIONS OFF THIS MAN AND TOLD REPORTERS THEY KNEW THIS BUT BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T PUT IN A MEDICINE BOTTLE AND CHARGE FOR IT ,THEY COULDN'T TELL HIM,,,,THIS YOUNG LADY MAY WANT TO CHECK AN FIND WHO WAS THE OVERSEAS CONTACT FOR THIS MAN.THANKS RONDY-------------------------------Here is a good one that Jennifer can try, it always works for me. Drink a glass of water with a stainless steel or silver utensil, start with a butter knife, and drink the water with out breathing in, until the water is gone, you may have one hiccup or two, but they should stop, (to start breathing take a deep breath, and then breath normal, while relaxing). Then continue to breath normal and relax. Please let me know if this helps her. Stacey-------------------------------Take her for a ride on a standing roller coaster, twice if you have too. Theory behind it is, when you ride this type of ride, you hold your breath longer and you scream louder, more intense. I get them just thinking about getting on one those rides. And if it doesn't work well at least she had a great time trying to rid the hiccups. Virginia-------------------------------This works for me every time. Take several deep breaths of air then sip and swallow 10 sips of water. Just small sips. The Idea is to swallow a little air with it so that you can get enough to burp. Then after you sip and swallow the 10 sips of water Burp. The hiccups should be gone. If it does not work simply repeat. It has never taken me more than 2 times to get rid of the pesky hiccups. Good Luck Kim-------------------------------When I was babysitting, back in the 60's, I used to give the children 1 tsp of sugar, followed by drinking a glass of cool tap water, drink it straight down without stopping. Worked every time! Good luck, Vicki-------------------------------This really does work. Hold your nose close and your ears so no air can get in while drinking a glass of water. You will need a person to hold your nose and ears close while you drink a glass of water..... Joe -------------------------------TWO MEDS THAT WORKED FOR MY HUSBAND ARE BACLOFEN AND THORZINE. DON'T KNOW IF THESE WERE TRIED. Joyce-------------------------------While holding my breath at the same time that I drink water works for me, I think this poor young girl needs a good neurologist. For this to be occurring for such a long period of time, it seems that possibly she has a nerve "firing off" or "misfiring", and the cause for that is what needs to be determined. It may lie in the area of the brain that is the source of activity for the diaphragm and a thorough neurological work-up may provide the answer to the cause, and hopefully lead to proper treatment. TMB-------------------------------Take about a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix in about a teaspoon of sugar and drink it. If the first dose doesn't stop hiccupping, repeat. This has always worked for me. Sometimes it does take several doses for hicups to subside. Hope it works for this young lady. -------------------------------ROUND SLICE OF LEMON SPRINKLE WITH SUGAR POUR ANGOSTURA AROMATIC BITTERS ON TOP SUCK THE INGREDIENTS ALONG WITH LEMON JUICES Penny, St. Simons Island-------------------------------I am visiting Jacksonville from NJ/NY and saw the young lady with hiccups - A remedy that has been known to work is very simple and goes back many many years. Slice an orange into wedges, suck the juice out of the orange with the peel inplace (almost as if the slice becomes a smile) - this has worked for infants as well.Good Luck. (I will have to follow the results on the web)Sincerely,Lorrayne-------------------------------I got this from the Bottom Line Health article . Slowly chew on a piece of dry or charred toast .You can also try to chew charcoal tablets or chewable papaya enzymes. Continue taking tablets at least one an hour until the hiccups stop. Sherri St. Augustine-------------------------------My daughter saw a program on TV titled, "Untold stories of the ER" and they helped a person with the hiccups by having them place one finger or thumb at the same time just above the middle of each eyebrow and press. I usually don't get the hiccups but when I do, this method has worked each time. It appeared on TV that the young girl was chewing gum and that could make it worse because you have a tendency to continue to swallow air. I pray that this helps because I know hiccups can be very painful. The family is in our prayers...perhaps that will be the ultimate cure.Nancy-------------------------------Eating dark chocolate has always been an immediate cure for my family and friends . . . Eileen-------------------------------have the girl take a deep breath and while doing so, swallow 9 small swallows of water, then breath real slow for a few minutes. if this fails, repeat after several minutes. hillbillies2 Sampson City, FL -------------------------------I was hiccuping for several hours and a man told me to go home and eat a SPOONFUL of sugar not to just place it under my tongue I did this and they were gone instantly.-------------------------------You all sort of chuckled about "rubbing the earlobes" as a hiccup remedy, but it got me to thinking about acupressure as a treatment. I googled the two words acupressure and hiccup and came up with this interesting article suggesting several easy painless things that Jennifer and her mother might try. Stifling Hiccups The causes of Hiccups are mysterious and the cures are peculiar . Here are a few that work. Once I hic, then I seem to hic on and on for a period of time and often I find that just a little embarrassing when I am trying to talk. Experts in several disciplines have offered an array of alternative and traditional remedies to these spasms of the diaphragm. No one is sure exactly what causes hiccups. The diaphragm contracts, forcing the glottis (the gap between the vocal cords) and epiglottis (the tissue that prevents food from entering the airway) to snap shut, causing the hiccup sound. The diaphragm spasm is thought to be caused by interferences with the nerves that either control breathing or that regulate the diaphragm. The cures for hiccups are as mysterious as the causes, but authorities from different fields recommend different approaches. A New England acupuncturist says hiccup sufferers can try applying manual pressure ( I can picture a scene from the movie Dr. Strangelove as I type these words) to spots that he can would treat with acupuncture needles. He suggests a spot on the bone between the breasts, and the spot on the bone at the base of the throat, between the collarbones. By pressing on these locations on what is called the Ren or conception channel, you can relax the flow of energy which is going the wrong direction as you hiccup. Those uncomfortable enough to take their hiccups to take their hiccups to an accupuncturist could expect to have needles inserted to a point slightly above the wrist which is the point most frequently used for something that tightens the chest. Another expert states that usually it only takes a few minutes of finger (as in acupressure) pressure to trigger a relaxation response in the throat, lungs diaphram. His recommendations include pressing points behind the earlobe, the areas at the base of the rib cage and the indentations directly below the collarbone. These two experts agree with what I have seen used in my training. While folk remedies such as holding your breath, swallowing sugar, sipping cold water, being frightened, or drinking from the wrong side of the glass may seem haphazard, they may all serve the same purpose. They distract the nervous system and can stop the hiccuping rhythm. The often heard suggestion to breathe in and out of a paper bag is effective because the carbon dioxide of a paper bag is effective because the carbon dioxide that builds up in the bag depresses the activity of the nerves thought to cause hiccups. A Naturopathic doctor offer her son's cure which is to press down on the tragus which is the bump of cartilage by the opening of both ears. I offer these words for your information! Dr. Al -------------------------------I have found the following remedy to work: Using a Hiccup Cup, which is a cup that has a flat spout on one side (much like a child's sippy cup). You drink water while the spout on the glass holds your tongue down. I have also used a normal glass and manually hold your tongue down with the glass while drinking the water. This has worked for me every time I have used this remedy to stop "normal hiccups". Maxine-------------------------------This always works:Set a glass of water on the counter with a straw in the glass. Plug ears and nose at the same time. Lean forward and drink water from the straw while your ears and nose are plugged - no breathing while drinking. Hiccups will stop!CJ-------------------------------Fill a glass with water hold a straw ( or something like that, I have used a pencil) across the top about in the middle of the glass. Place your top lip on the straw bottom lip on rim of the glass and drink the water. Your mouth will be wide open. Has worked every time I have tried it and anyone else I have told to try it.Helen, St. Augustine -------------------------------For hiccups, I take a maraschino cherry. It sounds crazy but always works for me. Sherri, St. Augustine-------------------------------Good morning, When I had the hiccups my dad would tell me to do the following and it always worked: (1) Pour a tall glass of cold water (2) Put a straw in it (3) Get on your hands and knees (4) Hold your nose closed with one hand (5) Begin drinking the water through the straw (6) Drink as much water through the straw, without taking a breath, as you can Note: Your face should be parallel to the floor Good luck! I hope one of the remedies people are sending you works, I feel for you. Best Regards, Chrystal-------------------------------imply fill your mouth with water, lean tour head all rhe way back and swallow.IT WORKS.John Mark Edwards. St. Simons Island, GA -------------------------------I viewed this either on TLC or Discovery channel. (Medical) She needs to relax on the couch. Someone needs to come in from behind her and apply pressure to the forehead (thumbs both). Just above the brow line towards nose and hold. It really works. We viewed it on T.V and have done this to everyone and it has worked . According to the Physian there is a nerve in that area that when suppressed it rids hiccups. Go figure something so simple and we just now hear about it. Email me at thrstchris@aol.com and let me know if it worked. Christy-------------------------------Take a book of matches, light all of them at once and immediately put them out in about 4 ounces of water. Now drink the water quick, it works. I know it sounds nasty but what if she doesn't" do this' Good luck girl!!!!!!!!!!.-------------------------------DRINK WATER WHILE BENDING OVER. IT IS DIFFICULT TO DO BUT IT CAN BE DONE IT WORKED FOR ME. Darrell-------------------------------Good morning, When I had the hiccups my dad would tell me to do te following and it always worked: Pour a tall glass of cold water. Put a straw in it. Get on your hands and knees. Hold your nose closed with one hand. Begin to drink the water through the straw Drink as much of the water through the straw without taking a breath as you can.Note: Your face should be parallel to the floor.Good luck! I hope this works for you. The hiccups have to be painful and I feel for you. Best regards Chrystal-------------------------------Once I was visiting with my sister, and I started to hiccup. My sister suggested that I " Think about someone who is NOT thinking about you right now" so I did and the hiccups actually stopped. Then I passed that on to others, and it's worked for them too. Hope that works! Mary -------------------------------I get a large glass of water, I drink at least 10-12 swallows of water with out breathing. When it starts to get hard to swallow you must breathe drink one more swallow. Usually after this exercise they are gone. Good luck.-------------------------------My mom gets serious and painful cases of the hiccups. What works for her? They magically disappear only when one person holds her ears and nose closed simultaneously while she drinks a tall glass of water, covered with a paper napkin nonstop. Basically one of us stand behind her. With one hand on each side of her head we press our thumbs to close her ears and use the pointer fingers to close her nose. She drinks the glass of water which is covered by a napkin. By the time she gets to the end of the glass the hiccups are gone. Occasionally it will take a second attempt. From watching my mom I know that they are painful. I wish you the best.Kathleen-----------------------------Pour a large glass of juice, water, or non-carbonated beverage. Hold it in front of you as you are sitting. Lean forward and drink from the opposite side of the glass - the side not closest to you . This will involve slightly tipping the glass away from you. This is difficult and takes concentration. It has worked for me and others every time. Good Luck dear! Leslie-----------------------------I've been a bartender for 15 years and an old remedy that one of my customers use to do was: Fill half a glass of water and then the rest with ice, place a couple napkins over the top of the glass and drink the water using the napkins as a filter. Might take a couple glasses. It works!!!!!! I've done it. My heart goes out to the young lady with the chronic hiccups. Please pass this on and tell me if it works. Tyson-----------------------------1. Without telling her what you're doing you have to ask her to tell you the next time she's going to hiccup. Just say "think about it and tell me right before you hiccup again" - this has worked for me every time. Something about making you think about it. Just keep saying - think about it and tell me right before you hiccup again. 2. Both arms overhead on the wall and drop your head down. Deep breaths in and out - slow and deep breaths. Someone stands behind you and rubs there hand firmly up and down the spine while the person stands with arms overhead, head dropped down between the arms and breaths slowly and deeply. Usually also works, but the above one seems to work better.Sherry-----------------------------This is very simple but it has worked for years for me and everyone I have told about it; It is just 9 sips of water. You must be able to get nine sips of water in a row without a hiccup. Robert-----------------------------The only thing that helps me when I have really bad hiccups is a sprite with a lot of sugar added and just down it. A Waffle House waitress gave me that remedy one evening and it worked instantly. Good Luck, Vic, Orange Park -----------------------------Try 1 to 2 teaspoonful of sugar. The Kleins-----------------------------This has worked for me, my wife and my daughter. Have her mother plug the girls ears with her fingers and have the hiccup queen drink about ½ a glass of water. Steve, Orange Park -----------------------------This has NEVER failed for me.... Fold a papertowel and place over the rim of your glass of water. drink THROUGH the paper towel. Believe it!!! Judy-----------------------------I had an uncle who stopped my hiccups after I had tried everything I could think of....He ripped off a piece of paper bag, licked it and slapped it on my forehead...the hiccups stopped immediately! I have also had success with sucking on a wedge of lime soaked in bitters. Jane, Welaka-----------------------------My 13 year old daughter gets the hiccups and she uses lemon juice. She tilts her head back and lets 2-4 drops of lemon juice hit the back of her throat. She uses the ReaLemon product sold in stores. Hope this helps. Stewart, Aurora, CO.-----------------------------Yank forcefully on the tongue. Lift the uvula (that little boxing bag at the back of your mouth) with a spoon. Tickle the roof of your mouth with a cotton swab at the point where the hard and soft palate meet. Chew and swallow dry bread. Suck a lemon wedge soaked with Angostura bitters. Compress the chest by pulling the knees up or leaning forward. Gargle with water. Hold your breath. Suck on crushed ice. Place an ice bag on the diaphragm just below the rib cage.Erika, Bradenton, FL-----------------------------take a tablespoon of sugar................ Maggie-----------------------------Cut a fresh lemon into wedges - about 4 Pour about 2-3 oz of Angostura aromatic Bitters (see picture of the product above) into small bowl; or enough to soak completely one wedge of lemon Soak completely one of the wedges in the Angostura Bitters until the meaty part of the lemon turns a brownish color; the peel will remain yellow Eat ONLY the Angostura aromatic Bitters soaked meaty part of the lemon; do not eat the peel Hopefully, this remedy will work for Ms. Mee. Sincerely, Diana-----------------------------My daughters are both in choir at school... their choir teacher swears a spoonful of peanut butter on the roof of the mouth will cure the hiccups! Olivia, Folkston-----------------------------Try drinking OJ, yes a just a plain old glass of orange juice, regular size sips, drink at least a 4 ounce glass. hope this helps.Phyllis-----------------------------Have someone to ask her a question and have her to concentrate on the question. really hard, like when was the last time you saw a rabbit. what color was it, which way was it hopping.try to get her mind off of the hickups. I hope it works for her. Dale-----------------------------I have suffered with hiccup numerous years and especially when I suffer from a cold. I went to my doctor and I am currently taking Clorpromazine 25 mg and I have never been so relieved. Im my younger days, I was open to suggestions as mentioned, but I have gotten excellent result with this medication. At some point it will make you drowsy and I wouldn't suggest someone drive while taking. Ralph-----------------------------You must follow this exactly..........hold your breath..without any hiccups even if it takes several times to hold it before a hiccup comes...so you may have to start over again and again for a few times only...and then start counting to 28.. .as soon as you reach 28....blow out air slowly. do not just start breathing immediately ..it will end them... Good luck........ Sharon-----------------------------I agree with the person that earlier said to drink water from the wrong side of the glass. I really don't drink the water that way. I sit, bend forward and drink a big gulp. While I am bending forward, I get my mouth full of water, and while still bent over I gulp it down. I do that several times to get rid of the hiccups. As long as you are bent forward and take a big gulp (several big gulps), it puts pressure on your diaphragm and relieves the hiccups. That is the only thing that works for me. Of course I have never had them for three weeks. I don't know if it will be that easy after that long. I hope this helps. Vicki-----------------------------Try one tablespoon of yellow mustard (same as you would put on a hot dog) - works every time! Don't drink immediately afterward. Jeff Becky-----------------------------This is supposed to be a scientific method of curing hiccups. It has worked for me and many people I know. Anyone who is not the person with the hiccups will take their forefinger and gently rub in a circular motion on the roof of the mouth where the soft and hard palate meet. Usually in about 30 seconds the hiccups are gone. I know it sounds a littla wierd but try it, it works! Kelly-----------------------------Suck on ice cubes. J.K.-----------------------------DEAR SIR: MY WIFE FREQUENT GETS HICCUPS. OUR CURE IS I INSERT MY INDEX FINGERS IN HER EARS WHILE SHE DRINKS A GLASS OF WATER IT WORKS EVERYTIME. REGARDS BOB -----------------------------I HAD A FRIEND IN HIGH SCHOOL THAT SHOW ME THIS IT WORKS EVEY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT SOMEONE .HAVE SOMEONE HOLD YOUR EARS CLOSED CLOSED YOUR EYE S WHILE DRINKING A GLASS OF WATER YOU'LL HEAR YOURSELF DRINK IT ,TILL THE END IF THE GLASS THEN OPEN YOUR EYES EARS . IT REALLY WORKS ALSO BY YOURSELF JUST PUT A STRAW IN A GLASS OF WATER HOLD YOUR OWN EARS THIS ALSO WORKS I SWEAR BY IT EVERYONE I EVERY TOLD THIS CURES IT.LORI-----------------------------From my earlier e-mail, here is a cure for irretractable hiccups using haloperidol "Haldol" an anti psychotic medicine. I hope it works for her, she can get it in a emergency room. She should take this article. John -----------------------------Try this, take a glass of cold water and take nine sips, swallowing each and try to limit your breaths while sipping. It has worked for my family for years.Ken -----------------------------About 15 years ago, my husband started hiccupping (most likely due to stress at that time). His doctor tried all the drugs he knew, but nothing worked. Finally, after hiccupping for over 2 weeks (24/7), my husband was referred to a gastroenterologist, who just so happened to be on vacation at the time. However, when DR. ROGER ORTH heard about my husband's dilemma, he cancelled plans, came into the office and met with us. WHY? Because he had JUST been doing some research and had JUST read about a drug used to treat Parkinson's Disease which had a little known side-effect of stopping hiccups! He was so thrilled with the possibility of helping my husband AND was also anxious to see if it indeed worked! He asked if my husband was willing to give it a try. Having not slept hardly at all and losing over 10 pounds is those 2 weeks, he was quite willing. So, he took the drug and in 2 to 3 hours his hiccups had stopped!!! The drug was BACLOFEN. Twice since then, my husband has had hiccups and has had to tell doctors about the drug. This has worked for him everytime. We certainly hope that it will also work for this young girl! We'll be anxious to know if it works. Betty-----------------------------This is an accu -pressure technique that I have found useful on many people. The point for pressure is at the last joint of the middle finger adjacent to the proximal cuticle corner of the nail bed, that is at the top of the nail toward the side of the finger. Using a thumb nail, press firmly on this point for about 45 seconds. Have the patient breath deeply and slowly during this pressure. Do not press so hard that you break the skin, but enough that a mild discomfort is felt. In some younger patients the reflex point shows up on he index finger (second digit) instead of the middle finger, (Third digit) Hope this works for her. Charles-----------------------------I now some ways to get ride of long lasting hiccups. On the discovery health a lady had hiccups that lasted for a week. And here are some ways I now. Use two fingers on both hands put them above the eyebrows and apply pressure until they are gone. If that doesn't work try pulling your tongue.-----------------------------Hope this helps the young lady in your news story. My husband's Aunt Norma gave me this remedy many years ago when I had hiccups and could not get rid of them any other way. She said to get a glass of water and have someone stick their fingers in your ear's while you drink the glass of water sucking in the water along with lots of air bubbles (swallowing both) until the whole glass is empty. This has always worked for me and I hope it works for her. Good Luck God Bless her, Nancy, Jacksonville.-----------------------------Years ago when we lived im Michigan, my husband had long lastings hiccups and he went to his doctor for help after trying many suggested remedies. His doctor had been in practice for many years and though he was strictly against tobacco use, he suggested smoking and inhaling a cigarette. It worked. Marlene-----------------------------Hi there, we have had problems with hiccups as well, and we were told by a Dr at Bethesda Naval hospital to put your finger on your hiccup the area in which it is generating from and watch it for about 5 to 10 minutes, this has helped for us and we hope it helps for you............please let us know if it helps for you........................Dave and Barbara-----------------------------I thought my aunt was crazy when she told me to put a paper towel over a glass of water and drink the water through the paper towel to get rid of hiccups. It really works. Every time I have had the hiccups this is the only thing that takes them away. I don't know how but it does. Please have her try this simple remedy! Karen-----------------------------I heard the joke you made as I was writing this, but I can tell you that what she needs is energy healing, I have helped many people and can give names of people I have helped, If you want more info on how energy healing will work and what has caused it call me. [contact news station for #]I will do this for free DeVorah-----------------------------I would suggest for her to take 2 oz of Zavita, this is a botanical wonder for the Amazon Rainforest. This is a whole-body wellness drink. Go to www.zavita.com/jbryant and check it out.Janice-----------------------------I was watching a show called..."Behind Emergency Room Doors" or something like that, and a patient had came in there and said she had been hiccupping for a few days, the doctor tried everything and then.....he had put pressure right on top of the eyebrows, i believe he held it there for about 15-30 seconds, and then he let go..............BINGO.............the hiccups were gone...............let me know how this works good luck-----------------------------This is a remedy that was used by my grandmother who was a nurse in the early 1920's. Use about a quarter of small lemon suck on it - after each swallow wait and see if you need to repeat. I do not know anyone that have had the hic cups this long personally but heard of a gentleman that had them for six weeks. The gentleman that was in the room next to me when I had heart surgery in 1987 had them all day and I told him about the lemon and he used the piece that had come in his dinner tea that evening and it worked for him. I will whisper a prayer that they will end very soon, I only have had them a few minutes and they worried me very bad. Dianne-----------------------------I was a bartender a long time ago . We had lots of cases of hiccups. The biggest tip i ever got was for curing a lady with this ; get a bottle of angustura bitters , any grocery store should have it . take a slice of lemon and pour the bitters over it be generous its not harmful or alcoholic eat the bitter lemon doesnt taste that bad either .Never seen it not work . We always keep this on hand .I hate getting the hiccups .I cant image having them as long as you. God bless you and hope this works for you. Dana, Middleburg-----------------------------I learned this remedy about 35 years ago from a college professor. I have used it successfully since that time. The person should sit or stand in a relaxed position. She should begin to slowly inhale and when she feels a hiccup coming pause during the inhale until it has passed. Once the hiccup is over, continue the inhale again stopping at each hiccup. Slowly exhale and pause at each hiccup. Begin slow inhale/exhale procedure and repeat until hiccups stop. The trick is to have a slow, controlled, relaxed breathing cycle while breathing deeply. Good luck - I hope it works. If it does, let me know. Catherine-----------------------------take a spoon or other utinsel and hold it in your month side ways- at the same time drink fluids such as water. the spoon will hold the air passage open enough for air while you swallow. I've tried it and it works. G.W.F.-----------------------------PUT SALT ON THE END OF Y OUR TOUGUE!!!!!!! Stephen, Orange Park -----------------------------Recently I saw a show on The Learning Channel about a young woman who had hiccups for weeks. The ER doctor finally got it to stop by applying pressure to the Vegas nerve that runs up the forehead. She was cured immediately. Allen, St Augustine -----------------------------Bend over and drink water upside down. You do this by putting the rim of the glass on your top lip and drink. Your face is suppose to be parallel with the ground Not downward. Take a few swallows. This has always worked for me since learning this 27 years ago.I hope this helps, God Bless, Kim, Keystone Heights.-----------------------------Take a lime wedge and pour Angostura Bitters on it and suck on the lime. Guaranteed to cure hiccups! Worked on a man that I gave this to as a bartender and he had hiccups for 2 weeks. Tipped me $100 too! Hope it works for her! Susan -----------------------------Friend of ours had them for 3 weeks also--doctor finally said try Prilosec--OTC. It worked..J. Moore-----------------------------Blow out your lungs with a steady but strong blow, as if your getting a lung capacity test, than b[r]eathe in through your nose. You should blow out for about 2 minutes even through the hiccups and you will hiccup, but keep blowing. This is what they did at the hospital for me after I broke all my ribs on one side, the pain was killing me. It worked!! Robin-----------------------------Your diaphragm is stuck, you need a large man to hold you under your arms and dangle you to unstick the diaphragm. If no one is available to do this, hang on a swingset bar or tree limb until your diaphragm is unstuck. I studies medicine and worked for a Chinese Monk and have studied this problem as I also had this problem for over an hour and went to my medical books. I will also pray for you.-----------------------------I saw this problem on one of those medical TV shows such as Discovery Channel. The lady was finally instructed, by the ER physician who had tried everything, to lay back and the doctor took his thumbs and pressed lightly on the forehead just about where the eyebrows meet the area that coincides with the outside of the nose, if you draw a line down, and make circular rubbing motions to stimulate a particular nerve. I can't remember the name of the nerve but it worked. Good luck!-----------------------------PLEASE try this! Eat a heaping teaspoon of sugar-put it all in your mouth at one time and swallow it without drinking any water. It is a great hiccup cure. Good luck-few things are more annoying. Sarah -----------------------------I used to bartended for many years and I promise you this will work. Have someone stand behind you and put their index finger in each ear and push in to close your ears. You now take one hand to pinch your nose close. While this is being done drink a glass of water or any kind of liquid. (about 6-8 oz). What you are doing is closing off all air passage ways by closing your ears and nose, so when you drink something, the liquid that you are drinking will pop your air pocket that is giving you the hiccups. Six to eight ounce of water or liquid should do the trick. I have personally done this about 100 times in the last 12 years and every time it has worked. Good luck Dwight -----------------------------I agree with drinking out of the wrong side of a glass. It works for me. Gracie -----------------------------My husband had hiccups for 12 days straight - 24-7 during his first 3-( 5 day chemotherapy treatments.) After trying everything possible the dr. gave him a THORAZINE drip. The shot and suppository didn't work, but the drip did. Your blood pressure has to be monitored during and after the drip for at least 30mins as it tends to drop your blood pressure. This was his salvation. Every 3wks when he went for chemo they started the drip before administering the chemo and NO MORE HICCUPS...........Good luck. Judi-----------------------------My husband was always able to immediately cure his hiccups by taking a wedge of lemon and putting a few drops of bitters on it then sucking the lemon. Bitters are used in some alcoholic beverages. Vikki-----------------------------My heart goes out to that young lady. If she takes three mouthfuls of water one after the other that should get rid of them. I know because it worked with my kids when they were growing up. C. Chambers-----------------------------Hello, I heard about your dilemma, and came up with this: -Plug your ears and drink water through a straw (a friend suggested this) -Drink Lemon Juice (this usually works for me) If these don't work for you I hope you find something soon! Cecilia-----------------------------Hello, I think I can help. I saw a TV show (untold stories of the er ) and there was a lady who hiccuped for weeks, the doctor tried everything, then another Dr. said if you put pressure over the eyebrows they will stop. You take two fingers placed over the eyebrows and put a little pressure and they should stop. It worked on the show maybe it will work for her. Can you let me know if it does? Thanks, Michele-----------------------------Hi! It may help for her to have something called a defusion. This is a stress release session that uses biofeedback from the body (muscle testing) and a series of questions that help her find the cause within her own body. Children and teens respond easily and quickly to this form of healing work. This work uses the One Brain System by 3in1 Concepts of Burbank, California. There are practitioners in the Tampa area. Look at 3in1concepts.net to locate a facilitator of this work. I do this work but I'm in Jacksonville Beach . I would recommend a series of 3 sessions if the first one doesn't get it cleared up. If you have further questions, please contact me. [contact station for #] Bethann -----------------------------My mom says this one always works??? Take a glass of water, place a washcloth (clean) over the top of the cup, and drink from the opposite side of the cup you normally would - (your chin kind of goes in the glass). It's kind of upside down/sideways. Or try it just through the washcloth. Good luck to her! Our thoughts and prayers are with her!Kimberly-----------------------------I have tried this and it is guaranteed to work. It has never failed me. Have another person administer an 16 oz. glass of water to the girl.The trick of this is:1. cold water2. the server must make the hiccup-er drink the water all at once and quickly. (in other words, they tip the glass. "Drink it or wear it")3. the drinker must swallow the water as fast as she can but cannot touch the glass or make the server stop tipping the glass until the water is gone.If it's done right, should work!Kathy-----------------------------Last month I was watching discovery channel and a woman with hiccups lasting a month had tried all her options including being put under anathesia which didn't work. Then a Doctor did pressure point above both of her eyes for 30 seconds at the same time and that worked. Hopefully this will help. Stacy-----------------------------Ok I'm no expert but I've have had the hiccups many times and what I did was drink water and burp before every hiccup and I should work. I hope it helps Jennifer.-----------------------------HI, FILL A GLASS HALF FULL OF WATER, HOLD IT OUT IN FRONT OF YOU, BEND OVER SLOWLY AND DRINK OUT OF THE LIP OF THE GLASS THAT IS FURTHEREST AWAY FROM YOU. DRINK AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. IT'S HARD, BUT WORKS. DAVE, ST. AUGUSTINE-----------------------------There was an article published back in the mid 1980's out of family practice department in North Carolina Medical School on this type of constant hiccupping using an antipsychotic "haloperidol", Brand name Haldol. A medical practitioner should look up what the appropriate dose and duration of therapy that was found effective. I hope she gets relief. I would be interested if she takes this approach, she can communicate through you. -----------------------------Have the poor girl try some "Angostora Bitters" This can be found in bar supplies stores or your local bar. Have her mix it with ginger ale. Good Luck. Tony-----------------------------Fill a glass completely to the rim with water and place it on the seat of a chair. While standing and with your hands behind your back, bend at the waist and slowly, yet nonstop, drink from the far side of the glass without using your hands (i.e. your bottom lip is inside the glass and upper lip is on the outside of the glass). Drink nonstop as much as you can of the water. When you stand back up, the hiccups are gone. This has never failed anyone I know who has tried it. Glen, St. Augustine Beach -----------------------------

  • Click here for a hiccups cure.-----------------------------We have to remedies at our house. If one doesn't work the other usually does. 1) a teaspoon or so of peanut butter and 2) a few sips of coke or pepsi Hope this helps Susan-----------------------------I have a sure fire cure...you have to drink water out of the opposite side of the glass. This requires that you bend over forward and keep leaning downward until you can drink. Sounds silly, but it forces you to hold your breath while you swallow (to keep water from going up your nose!) and puts your diaphragm in a different position. Believe me -- I've done this many times and it always works! Good luck! Valerie -----------------------------My husband had hiccups for 3 weeks his doctor referred him to a neurologist. He was treated with seizure medicine which after 3 days cured the hiccups. Hope this information helps.-----------------------------You drink out of the wrong side of a glass, which will make you drink bending over and upside down.Mary-----------------------------

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