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Climbing The Ladder...Literally. The Mistake Most Of Us Make

First, most of us don't really look at the ladder, I mean, it's just supposed to be in working order, right?

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Cleaning out gutters, taking down those long overdue Christmas decorations, changing a light bulb. These are all household chores you need a ladder for.

The CDC confirms at least 500,000 people were treated for a ladder related injuries in 2017.  Three hundred of those injuries were deadly. 

Bill VonDohlen of  Fish Window Cleaning is our expert on this, as his workers are constantly on a ladder.

 "Before you climb, inspect your ladder. They are used infrequently and could have become rusted or bent while in storage. You should never use a damaged ladder."

After inspection, make sure you put the ladder feet on an even surface. Different kinds of flooring or even a throw rug could make it unsteady. 

When it comes to climbing the ladder, VonDohlen says you should abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards:   maintain a 3-point contact on the ladder when climbing – two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand should always be touching the ladder during ascent. That means you need that 3-point of contact when you're on it and working too. No leaning over! 

There are plenty of warning labels/markings on ladders. Look at them and make sure you pay close attention to two specific markings: the weight limit and the stop step. 

If your ladder is not high enough, don't ever put anything under it to make it taller.

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