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BBB expert answers your top scam questions

Lechelle Yates from the Better Business Bureau breaks down common scams she's seeing and how you can protect yourself.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — If there's a way to con you out of your money, scammers will find it. They are everywhere these days.

You want to know what common scams are out there and how to protect yourself. Lechelle Yates with the Better Business Bureau joined 2 Wants to Know to do just that.

Romance Scams

Romance scams happen on several platforms, including social media and gaming websites where people may not even be looking for love. 

Yates said romance scam reports saw a 13% increase in 2021. So far this year, they have gone up 50%.

Yates said if the person tries to move to a different platform or escalate the relationship quickly, it's probably a scam. She said you should never send money to someone you've only met on a dating app.

Online Shopping Scams

Yates said the BBB has noticed several trends when it comes to online shopping scams. Customers don't get what they ordered. The product is damaged or broken, and it takes a long time to get it.

Yates said you should try to verify the sender and their contact information before making a purchase. You also should also pay with a credit card so money isn't directly drawn from your account.

Even if you're the seller, scammers still find ways to try tricking you. Yates said beware of anyone looking to move the sale to a different site or offering to overpay.

Social Media Book Exchange Scam

Yates said the BBB is tracking a scam on social media. One of your friends posts something asking for information about your other friends.

The post says if you send a book to a stranger, you'll get 36 book back from around the world. Yates said this is a pyramid scheme. You shouldn't trust.

Yates said guard your personal information, and ignore emotional pleas.

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