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Personal space and you: Why it's important for relationships

You should give someone personal space when meeting someone new, an acquaintance, and in a business or professional setting.

NORTH CAROLINA, USA — Today is National Personal Space Day. Personal space is different for different people. Personal space is important for several reasons. Giving someone space, meaning that you’re not getting too close to them, shows respect and establishes boundaries. People tend to relax when they’re not crowded, which can reduce any stress they’re feeling.

Additionally, giving someone personal space helps them listen to you better because they’re not focused on why you’re crowding them or how to get personal space. Also, personal space decreases misunderstandings of intention. Some people might interpret the invasion of personal space as intrusive or aggressive. So, you reduce sending unintended nonverbal messages.

Here are general guidelines for personal space. Intimate space is 0-18 inches, usually for romantic partners, family, and close friends. And people typically hug, kiss, whisper, or lean on each other. Personal space is one and one-half feet (18 inches) to four feet and is reserved for close friends and family. Social space or zone is four to 12 feet for social and casual conversations.

You should give someone personal space when meeting someone new, an acquaintance, and in a business or professional setting. Also, when someone is upset or seems uncomfortable with physical closeness, it’s a good idea to step back and give them space. Furthermore, when someone is sick or you’re feeling under the weather, it’s a good idea to give personal space to minimize spreading germs. If you’re unsure how someone feels about physical proximity, step back.

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