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How Triad Students Spent Their Day Off Because of Teacher Rally

Some parents we met chose to take time off from work to spend the rare weekday off with their children instead of paying for childcare.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — With no school today in several districts parents had to find ways to keep their kids busy. We found some in parks and others at the Greensboro Children's Museum. Sophia McLeod, her sisters, and friends who attend Lindley Elementary in Greensboro were at the museum with dad, Pat.

"We were the first people here, we got here a little after they opened," said Sophia.

"Me and my friends played family for just a bit and it was crazy," added Anya, Sophia's sister.

Kids spent time at the museum swinging, climbing, doing cart-wheels and even feeding chickens in the garden.

"When you have kids you really realize what a valuable service the schools are," said Pat McLeod.

Ellie and Kenny Pearce were also at the museum with their dad. Kenny, a kindergartner, was practicing his cart-wheels but had other plans for the day.

"My plan is to get some cake and ice cream and have a party at my house," said Kenny.

Some of the parents we met chose to take the day off to spend time with their children instead of opting to pay for childcare.

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