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The Flying Insect that Looks Like a Tick

The weevil, a flying insect that resembles a tick, is not harmful to people and doesn't care diseases.

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WFMY)-- Everyone is seeing them. A small, flying insect that looks like a tick, but it's not.

Experts say the bug is called a weevil. They can't hurt you and it doesn't spread diseases like ticks.

"They don't bite. There's nothing that they can do. They do like to feed on plant materials sometimes, but they aren't gonna do anything to you or your family," says Horticulture Extension Agent, Hanna Smith.

Here's some ways to tell the difference between a tick and a weevil:

  • Weevils have six legs, while ticks have eight
  • Weevils have a snout
  • Weevils fly, but ticks do not
  • Some weevils have yellow legs

If you find weevils inside your home, the best way to get rid of them is vacuum them up.

But today I learned they won't stick around for long.

They should be gone in the next month or so.

If you see them inside your house --- best advice -- just vaccuum them up!

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