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Tips on Staying Safe & Cool in Extreme Heat

The next several days, temperatures in the Triad will be in the 90's. WFMY News 2's Hannah Brewer put together some tips on how to stay cool and safe in extreme heat.

06/16/18 — GREENSBORO, N.C. (WFMY)-- If you spent any time outside today, you know it was a hot one and temperatures will be getting even warmer the next few days.

Most people know the importance of drinking lots of water and wearing sunscreen in extreme heat, but what else can you do to stay cool?

Try taking an ice cub and putting it on your wrist or anywhere you can feel your pulse. That's where the blood vessels are closer to the skin, which can help cool your blood and lower your overall body temperature.

What you eat can also impact your body temperature. Stay away from heavy meals and try to eat food that has a high percentage of water. A salad with a side of watermelon is the perfect meal for a hot day. Watermelon is 90 percent water and greens are 95 percent water.

You can also eat something hot and spicy that makes you sweat, which is nature's way of cooling us down. But don't forget to drink plenty of water with it. If you're outside, you should be drinking 10 gulps of water every 20 minutes.

You can also make your own air conditioner by placing ice or a frozen water bottle behind a fan to circulate cool air.

What you wear is also important. Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fighting clothing.

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