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Do more of what makes you happy and stop feeling guilty about it - My 2 Cents

Doing things that bring you joy is beneficial on a number of levels.

It’s time for ‘My 2 Cents.’

We need to do more of what makes us happy and stop feeling guilty about it. I know I typically save my final opinion for the end of this segment but I’m putting it out there from the start because I think this is important.

We need to do things that make us feel good – because, let’s be honest, we’re all dealing with a lot of things that don’t.

But beyond that, doing what makes you happy has other benefits. It increases your confidence. You are essentially telling yourself that you are worthy of enjoying life. Plus, when you’re busy being happy, you don’t have time to sink into any of your insecurities.

Second, Happiness is contagious and I feel like I need say contagious in a good way because 2020. Positivity spreads pretty far and making the choice to do what makes you happy can help others find joy.

Finally, you never regret deciding to do what you love. Think about it – when’s the last time you heard someone say choosing what makes them happy was the wrong choice? Be proactive and put yourself first from time to time.

You already know My 2 Cents - We need to do more of what makes us happy and stop feeling guilty about it.

So if you need me, I’ll be having dance parties in my kitchen, going to Target as soon as they open in the morning and eating cake when it isn’t my birthday.

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