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2 Your Well-Being: Places and behaviors that increase your risk for COVID-19 and how to reduce it

In today's 2 Your Well-Being, we are breaking down places and behaviors that increase your risk for COVID-19.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, we all need to take steps to stay safe. In today's 2 Your Well-Being, we are breaking down places and behaviors that increase your risk for COVID-19 and how to prevent those risks. 

Dr. Jay Wyatt is the chief medical officer for The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital. He said you are more likely to be exposed to COVID-19 at any place that you are gathered inside.

That includes rooms that are crowded and where people are less likely to be wearing a mask. Your risk is also increased at larger, outdoor gatherings. Many people are asymptomatic and could spread COVID-19 in crowded areas, especially if they are not wearing a mask.

So what is risky behavior? Wyatt said going to bars is one of them because people are most of the time looser in their behavior and not taking the proper precautions. 

He said gyms are also risky because of the heavy work intensity. You have a higher chance of spreading droplets around.

Wyatt said you can still support local businesses, like gyms and bars, if they are set up in a way that allows for social distancing and everyone is wearing a mask. It doesn't eliminate the risk completely but it does minimize it. 

He said celebrating Thanksgiving is a risk especially if you celebrate with people you do not live with. Even if you got a test before, you could have not been at the threshold to trigger a positive test. 

So should you get tested after you get back from visiting friends and family? Wyatt said yes but it depends on when you get tested. 

If you are showing symptoms, you should get tested right away but if you are not, you might not be in the threshold to trigger a positive test if you do have COVID-19.

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