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Yes, there are more black bear sightings in the Triad

North Carolina Wildlife Commission says while our population increases, new homes increase in areas where bears live.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Bear sightings are on the rise in the Triad but it’s not uncommon.

Bears are in every county in North Carolina believe it or not, and while it may shock you to see one in your backyard, NC Wildlife Commission says around this time of year, it’s to be expected.

One bear was seen in Greensboro Friday near Burnt Poplar Road.

"This is the time of year when younger bears that have been evicted from their mom’s territory are sort of trying to figure out what to do with themselves. They are smaller than adult bears, but they are not cubs anymore. They are young adults,” said Falyn Ownes, an extension wildlife biologist with NC Wildlife.

NC Wildlife said while our population increases, new homes are built in areas where bears live.

But also, black bear populations are increasing and their range is expanding in North Carolina.

This means your chances of seeing one are a lot higher than before.

However, there's no need to be scared.

Owens said, “They aren’t really inherently dangerous to people. They are mostly skittish and just wanna get away from us but they are very food motivated so if they find food around people and are directly fed by people that can cause problems because they will want to stick around to get more food.”

Some tips if you see one: 

1. Don’t feed them!

2. Get rid of bird feeders and any trash they can easily access.

3. Call the NC Wildlife helpline at 866-318-2401.

NC Wildlife also said that bears don’t stay in one place long. They are constantly on the move and most importantly, they are not coming after your pets. Yet it is best to keep your dog on a leash if you encounter a bear in your yard.

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