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Why quick marriages might not work for everyone

Blanca Cobb explains shows us the perceptions people might have about quick marriages and how they can fizzle out.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — In a shocking turn of events, the stars of a reality show about finding love in your later years have announced their divorce after only three months of marriage. This news has the internet buzzing. There can be some potential benefits of getting married quickly. Sometimes, a whirlwind romance can feel right when you're older and have a clear idea of what you want. You might have a strong sense of compatibility and a desire to spend your golden years together.

The biggest issue for a quick wedding is how well you can know each other in a few months of dating. Here's the rub: There are many success stories of couples who haven't known each other long but get married and end up with successful marriages. I don't think that it's an issue of time. It's an issue of experiences together. The more life you experience together, the more you learn and understand about each other.  

I think many people focus on time because the more time you've been with someone, the more you know about them. Here's the catch. You can spend years with someone and not really know them because they're hiding parts of themselves from you or don't want to share certain things with you. So, it isn't an issue of time necessarily; it's an issue of experiencing life together in various situations like handling stress, disappointments, and challenges and spending enough time to understand their values and priorities. Usually, this takes time.

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