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Covid-19 & auto insurance. How a crash could cost you more.

If you get in a fender bender, you might stay away from urgent care due to Covid-19. But experts say, you need to call the doctor. Here's why....

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Life still happens, right? It stinks, but it’s true. So, while less people are driving, there are still a lot of crashes happening.

“We're hearing a higher percentage of car wrecks for the amount of traffic. A lot more people are anxious and driving distracted and also getting in the car intoxicated,” explains Jeremy Maddox of Law Offices of James Scott Farrin. “It's more dangerous than normal at this point. “

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Crashes and fender benders are bad enough, but then you add in Covid-19 and you're worried about going to urgent care or the doctor because you're being told not to go in case you're infected. But to protect yourself, experts say you need to at least call the doctor after a crash.

“These car insurance companies goal is to pay the least they can to make a claim go away, that's their goal. How they make money. One of the biggest things they use against people is what they refer to as gaps in your medical treatment. When you don't get medical treatment within a few days it raises the question, is this person really hurt or are they trying to get more money?”

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As the injured party, you have the burden of proof for that and the best way to prove that is get medical care within the first couple of days.

So, if you get into a fender bender, even if you feel just shaken up, you need to call or have a virtual appointment with a doctor. That way if an injury develops due to the crash you have it on record.

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