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Triad woman comes out of retirement to help tutor kids this school year

When Tammy Banther learned about the need she was more than willing to help. She's coming out of retirement to fill the gap.

JAMESTOWN, N.C. — We are 26 days out from the first day of school in North Carolina and still there are questions and concerns over students going back to class and learning online. Some parents are looking for tutors to help teach kids at home.

When Tammy Banther learned about the need she was more than willing to help. She's coming out of retirement to fill the gap.

"Teaching with something I always wanted to do but I just chose healthcare instead," she said. "Where can I help what can I do and I'm tired of sitting on my bum."

Banther's daughter is a high school vice principal in the eastern part of the state. She says many teachers are worried about coming back to classrooms while also taking care of their own kids this school year. Banther will tutor kids in their homes and fill in as a substitute if teacher's choose to stay home. 

"They are afraid, they're simply afraid," she said. "They're going to be tutoring on their own they're going to be doing the online school at home but they are going to continue to have classes and the teachers are still needed at the school because the schools are going to continue to stay open and run."

Banther says she's taking classes now to prepare for her new role. She spent years as a scout leader and Sunday School teacher so she's used to kids. She says her background in medicine will allow her to help tutor kids with special needs and medical conditions that put them more at risk for complications from COVID-19. 

"They are not going to be able to come to school and their parents are upset," she said. "They need a lot of help and there are not enough teachers to teach those children. Those children are in desperate need of teachers of tutors of someone to help."

RELATED: Back-to-School Blog: COVID-19 information, resources, guide for parents and students

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