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Looking for work? Experts break down how you can land the job

There are thousands of job openings across the Triad as businesses struggle with the Great Resignation.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — We've heard of the Great Resignation for months now. Millions of Americans have chosen to leave their jobs in search of something else.

We spoke with Will Graham of Graham Personnel Services and Chris Rivera from Guilford Works explained what's going on in the current job market and how you can find work.

Rivera said Guilford Works sent out a survey to get a better idea of how workers feel. He shared some of the early data.

  • 60.8% of respondents are working
  • 28.6% are unemployed.
  • 69.2% are currently looking for work or a career change
  • 28.1% are working but dissatisfied with their current position

Graham said demand for employees is at an all-time high. He said there are  hundreds of openings at his company across the Triad in virtually every field. You can visit this website to get connected with resources that can help you find opportunities.

Guilford Works has tracked openings across the country. Rivera said there are thousands of positions that businesses need to fill. Like Graham's company, Rivera said there are jobs across all industries as the economy grows quickly. You can find opportunities here.

Graham said it's hard for employers to find candidates right now. Not as many people are applying as they used to. He provided several ideas that businesses can implement to try to bolster recruitment efforts.

  • Create an employee referral program. Offer an incentive to employees who refer applicants that get hired.
  • Build a strong internet presence


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