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My 2 Cents: There's a mouse in the house!

Eric Chilton talks about his wife's new found pet.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's time for My 2 Cents and today I want to talk about my wife and animals. Yes, she has a soft spot in her heart for them and so do I. I love animals too but she's at a 10 and I'm a two. My daughter's a 10 as well but my 12-year-old son is about a zero on the scale... he doesn't really care for animals all that much. So, the other day my wife was in the elementary school and there was a mouse there. A tiny, tiny baby mouse. All the teachers and some of the staff are freaking out but my wife, Leslie, calmly walks over and goes look at this cute little thing and picks him up. What does she do? She brings him home!

Here's what it looked like and I will have to admit this little guy puts Stuart Little to shame. It was about the cutest thing I've ever seen but when she would cup it in her hand the warmth from her hands would make him fall asleep! 

It was completely adorable so of course she brings it home and we had a little container that we put him in for a while till we figured out what we were going to do with him but then she takes him out and proceeds to lie down in the bed to watch TV and she was holding him in her hands. She fell asleep! He's loose in the house!  Yes, I about had a fit so we bought some mouse traps that would capture him and not kill him and we were trying to catch him and then my son saw him in the pantry and my wife got him again, and then finally realized we need to put this mouse back out into the field where he wants to be.

I just have to let you know that for about a 24 to 36-hour period I thought I was the proud owner of a wild field mouse baby.

It was, however, the cutest thing I've ever seen. My 9-year-old girl did not like the fact that he had to go but she dealt with it and they went out there and shared a little teaching moment about where wild animals belong.

But honestly, I was a little sad about him leaving as well. I mean look at that face. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen 

But that's just My 2 Cents.

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