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From supporter to survivor: A Greensboro woman battled breast cancer and now she helps others get screened

A Greensboro woman shares her sudden journey from breast cancer supporter to four-year survivor in hopes of inspiring others to get screened.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Our attention turns to Breast Cancer Awareness every October, but the push to screen, detect, and treat this life-threatening disease should be happening every day.

A Triad woman is sharing her sudden journey from breast cancer supporter to 4-year survivor with the hopes more women will get screened and treated before it's too late.

Most Triad women know Allison Gore as the Bra Lady.  She's fitted bras for hundreds of women at the Greensboro Dillard's and took extreme pride in helping breast cancer survivors feel confident after a mastectomy 

"To help these women look in the mirror and feel good about themselves and say, "Oh my God, I look fantastic!  It means the world," said Gore.

A friend to breast cancer survivors for years, her world turned upside down in the summer of 2018.

"I was diagnosed with cancer almost four years ago and I felt some lumps but I kind of shrugged it away.  But they got a little bigger and I ended up having three tumors that were slow-growing," Gore said.

Posted by Allison B. Gore on Saturday, September 4, 2021

Doctors told her the lumps had to come out and she agreed to a mastectomy. 

"It scared the heck out of me, honestly.  I had no idea this would happen to Allison.  I mean my mother had breast cancer but that was post-menopause, I was just really in shock!"

The mastectomy was the first step and then cancer treatment followed.

"My last day of radiation I banged the heck out of that bell," said Gore.  

She went back to work with a renewed purpose of helping women feel their best.  Now able to share her own breast cancer experience with other survivors and the comfort knowing, they're not alone.

"I just feel like I have to help other women too.  I've taken on that journey," Gore said.  "There is light at the end of the tunnel, hold on to your faith and believe."

Gore said she shrugged off the early signs of breast cancer and simply wished it away.  We know that is not how you beat breast cancer, but you can do something about it this week.

Posted by Allison B. Gore on Saturday, February 26, 2022

If you have been putting off a mammogram, you can check that off your list this Friday, March 4th.

Cone Health will have its mobile mammogram unit outside Dillard's at the Four Season's Town Center from 1 pm to 4 pm.  Walk-ins are welcome!

You can also get a bra fitting at the Dillard's Fit for the Cure event from 11 am to 8 pm.  Wacoal will donate $5 for each bra fitting or Wacoal bra purchase to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

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