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NC State Board of Elections investigates voter intimidation across the state, including Guilford Co.

If you suspect someone else is intimidating voters, you can report it to poll workers.

GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. — The State Board of Elections is looking into more than a dozen cases of voter intimidation, including one in Guilford County.

The board said there were at least 15 reports of intimidation, during early voting. They also say the number is pretty normal. What isn’t, is the kinds of cases they're seeing.

In Columbus County, an election observer reportedly followed poll workers to their car.

There are several incidents around the state of people photographing or recording voters.

In Guilford County, the State Board of Elections said a campaigner photographed voters.

Guilford County Board of Elections Director Charlie Collicutt gave more insight.

"It really was more of a fight between the "electioneers" outside of the buffer zone, which included a loud verbal altercation," Charlie Collicut said.

The basic rules include campaigners can be set up outside of a polling place and hand out flyers, but they must be 50 feet from the polling location's entrance, which should be clearly marked.

Inside the polls, voters cannot record videos or take pictures even of their own ballot.

High Point University Political Science Professor, Martin Kifer said whether you're voting or observing it's important to be respectful.

"You don't want to keep people from getting into a polling place. You don't want to say or do things that might make them feel unsafe," Kifer said.

If you suspect someone else is intimidating voters, you can report it to poll workers.

State Board of Elections Director Karen Brinson Bell said election security is their top priority.

"Our passion and our commitment as an election professional is to see that we are able to conduct safe, secure, fair and free elections and that is our objective," Director of State Board Elections Karen Brinson said.

Collicutt said there are no plans to increase uniformed security at polling places, but he does have a security plan in place with local law enforcement if needed.

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